Sunday 1 January 2012

Layered Bread Roll

Ingredients -

  • 1 - big Capsicum (thinly sliced)
  • 1 & 1/2 - Onion (thinly sliced)
  • 1 & 1/2 - Carrots (thinly cut)
  • 2 - Potatoes (boiled & mashed)
  • Salt
  • Red chilli powder
  • Chaat Masala
  • Bread slices (prefer jumbo sized bread)
  • Maida
Method - 
  • In a non stick pan, heat about 1 tbsp oil
  • Add capsicum, onion and carrot
  • Cook till all water from the vegetables is dry
  • Add salt and red chilli powder
  • Pour this batter in an empty bowl
  • Add chaat masala and mashed potatoes. Mix well
  • Cut the edges of the bread. Wet it as you do for making bread rolls
  • Evenly spread out the mixture over the wet bread
  • Now roll it up and keep aside covered with a wet cloth
  • Make a thin mix of water n maida for dipping before frying.
  • Take one roll, dip it properly into the maida mix and fry in well heated oil
  • Do the same with rest of the rolls
  • This should come out something like the picture above
Cut into slices and serve hot with mint chutney!!!

(NOTE- You may change the fillings as per your own taste.)

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